banking service chronicle

banking service chronicle
banking service chronicle

Wednesday 14 November 2018

Competition in focus Magazine

Competition in focus Magazine

 Page 5 has the Interesting Facts about the stuatue in competition in focus magazine
Competition in focus Magazine Statue of Unity is twice the size of New York's Statue of Liberty. It will be able to withstand wind velocity up (o 60m/sec, vibration and earthquakes. Competition in focus Magazine 22500 m ton (22500000 kg) of - cement has been used to build the Statue of Unity. It took 56 months to complete the project; 15 months for planning, competition in focus 40 months for construction and two months for handing over by the consortium No escalation of labour, fuel and the material is allowed. Currently, competition in focus the world's tallest statue is the Spring Temple Buddha in China at 128 m (420 feet) high. competitionfocus The monument is designed by Ram V. Sutar (an Indian sculptor). After completion, the statue will generate approximately 15000 direct jobs for tribal people every year. The museum on the life of Sardar Patel is at the base, and.two high-speed lifts will take peoPle to the viewers' gallery. According to sources, competitionfocus around 15000 tourists are expected to visit the statue on daily basis.The total cost of the project was estimated to be about 2063-crore ($ 290 million) by the government.

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